Top 10 Photos of #Antifa in #Charlottesville
1. Clergy Marching with AntiFa
2. White Supremacist Mob Intimidating AntiFa
3. Allies of AntiFa Marching
4. Black Lives Matter and AntiFa Marching Peacefully Against Hate and Bigotry
5. AntiFa Member Standing in Solidarity with Virginia Elected Officials Against Hate
6. AntiFa Members Terrorized and Attacked After a White Supremacist Drove His Car Into A Crowd
7. White Supremacist Trying to Intimidate Peaceful AntiFa Members
8. AntiFa Supporter Injured After Being Attacked by White Supremacists
9. AntiFa Holding Peaceful Nighttime Vigil Against Hate & Bigotry