5 Hijinks To Make Your Town More Fun

As summer approaches, many students will be looking for intriguing ways to make their hometowns more interesting.  You can help make a town or city more intriguing by creating elaborate adventures, scavenger hunts, and other out of the box ideas.  Try one of the below, and see what happens:

1. Leave Notes of Jokes at Random Spots Around Town

Everybody loves jokes, and most people love a good mystery.  Take your favorite jokes, write or print them on small pieces of paper, and rubber band/tie them to easy to find places.  You could also choose riddles, or mind-games, as long as the spirit of fun is present.

2. Organize Flash Mobs w/ Costumes

One of the biggest fads of the 21st century has been flash mobs.  A flash mob is a large public gathering at which people perform an unusual or seemingly random act and then disperse.  It’s usually organized by means of the Internet or social media.  What’s great about flash mobs is that it can bring out creativity in an unexpected way, and bring a little bit of surrealist performance art into somebody’s every day life.  Flash mobs are completely open to interpretation; while most involve elaborate dance numbers, they don’t have to.  Check out this example of a small Star Wars flash mob on a train:

All you need is a few friends, a costume, and a clever idea.  What flash mobs would you like to organize?  Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

3. Go to Poetry Slams, Pretending to be an Egocentric Poet

Many communities have poetry slams, weekly events at coffee shops designed to bring out college kids.  Some of their work is good, but a lot of them are still learning.  Take the #PoetryChallenge and go to a Poetry Slam.  Deliver the most pretentious piece of poetry you can conceive.  There are only 3 rules: it has to be less than 5 minutes, it has to seem sincere, and it has to rhyme.  You can find an event at one of these sites.

4. Dress in a Funny Animal Costume, and Hang Out

Speaking of surrealism, there’s a great British show called Trigger Happy TV.  It’s best known for surrealism, in the way that they will dress up in animal costumes, and then interact with random strangers.

Trigger Happy TV Trigger Happy TV Trigger Happy TV

Let me outline some rules for this one:

  1. Do not touch individuals.  Laying a hand on someone without their consent is a crime.
  2. Do not hang out near schools or playgrounds in your animal costume.  That’s just creepy.
  3. Do not break any laws.
  4. Do not risk injury by running in the street, or doing anything else that could injure you.
  5. Do not do this on an excessively hot day, and if you do do this in a costume, make sure you are fully hydrated.

5. Volunteer for a Noble Cause

Too often in the shuffle of life, we get sidetracked, and forget what’s really important.  Volunteering for a noble cause can help us connect with our community, and understand those less fortunate than us.

Plus, recent studies on what make people happy have indicated that giving back, and passing knowledge along to the next generation can give us real happiness that things like money, status, and Facebook can’t.

So, take the #CharityChallenge, and donate some time to a worthy cause.  You can find several local charities via this website, Volunteer Match.  You could be a Photographer for the American Heart Association in Los Angeles, or Mentor a Refugee Child in Atlanta.

Donate your time now to make the world a more playful, and better place.

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