You deserve well-crafted, compelling video ads, branded content, and custom videos, ranging from 15 seconds to 30 minutes, designed to intrigue your audience.
Our expertise combines high-quality stock videos, photos, graphics, and original footage seamlessly woven together with a beguiling voiceover. The result? HD and 4K quality deliverables that set your brand apart.
Choose our service at $2,500 for a single spot or enjoy a discounted rate of $2,000 per spot with multiple ad buys.
Your purchase includes:
- A dynamic 6 to 12-hour shoot (customized to your needs)
- An array of top-tier lighting and camera equipment
- Expert editing, touch-ups, sound design, and color correction
- Unlock the potential of your brand’s visual storytelling.
Our service ensures your content shines, leaving a lasting impact on your audience. Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your brand and talents. Connect with us today to discuss your project and embark on a journey toward brand recognition that resonates with your audience. Let’s make your brand unforgettable.
Check out some of our recent posts related to Commercials and Advertisement Campaigns.
Or, schedule a call to discuss in more detail.
Additional fees may apply for additional cast and crew members, above our standard scope.
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