11 Examples of Sacred Geometry in Nature, The Supernatural, and in Cryptozoology || Word Brawls Guest Post
Sacred Geometry was a much-ballyhooed idea in Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code, and its many sequels of diminishing quality. While the geometry of Tom Hanks’ hair went unexplained in the movie adaptations, the aforementioned novel went on a great deal about the geometry in nature – namely, the symbology of the Sacred Feminine, the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Ratio, and the like.
“But what of the Sacred Masculine and its geometry in nature?” I asked myself one day, while eating my snack of bananas and cucumbers.
In this article, we will discuss the geometry of nature, the supernatural, and cryptozooids, and whether each can be trusted based on their geometry.
As any enthusiast of both photography and the supernatural will gladly attest, when taking photographs, at certain times, rod-shaped beings will appear in the developed photograph. I feel I will meet no resistance when I say that these are interdimensional, rod-shaped beings who are passing from their dimension to ours, and get caught on film.
While their phallic shape instills trust in some, I am troubled deeply by the lack of two spheres at the base of the rods.
Conclusion: Rods are a pretender to the throne of the Sacred Masculine. Not to be trusted.
Another favorite of ghost-chasers with a camera. Many say that these are ghosts, ghasts, or some other form of spirit captured on camera. Are they the perfect companion to rods? Hardly, as they generally only appear singly, sans rods. Can they then fit into the category of the Sacred Feminine? Again, I must sadly answer no. The Sacred Feminine takes in a diminishing (or growing) spiral shape. A perfect sphere is so preposterous in nature that it can be dismissed without fear of reprisal.
Conclusion: Spheres are laughably untrustworthy.
I’ve seen exactly two Unidentified Flying Objects in my two-score tenure on this flat discus we call Earth.
The first, I later identified as a meteor hitting the Earth’s atmosphere, glowing bright green, and bisecting at a 45-degree angle. Some very satisfying geometry here, all of which is beside the point of this article, but watch for my upcoming post, “Where Did This Green Stuff Come From?”
The second UFO shot across the sky like a meteor, stopped dead in its tracks, at which point its lights began to blink, and its course veered crazily over the mountaintops, until it flew away at an insane speed.
Conclusion: Geometry aside, meteors are a naturally-occuring phenomenon, and therefore are not to be trusted. Similarly, my gut instinct says that UFO’s cannot be trusted. While the UFO generally has the shape of a discus, and when we all hear the word “discus,” we all think of the undeniably masculine sculpture of the naked Olympian discus thrower, I cannot comfortably categorize the discus shape as either masculine nor feminine.
Insubstantial in form. No physical geometry to speak of.
Conclusion: Based on their physical geometry, ghosts have no physical geometry to speak of. Therefore, they cannot be trusted.
Korean River Ghosts
Korean River Ghosts generally appear in the form of women in white dresses, with their hair obscuring their faces. Either spurned lovers or murdered children, these spirits were made popular by the Japanese film Ringu and countless jumps-scare memes.
Conclusion: Undeniably female. While Ringu was the original, The Ring is one of the few American re-makes that outshines its predecessor. Jump-scare memes are a form of emotional terrorism, and therefore their inhabitants are not to be trusted.
Human by day and wolf-beast under the cover of night and aided by a full moon, the geometry of the werewolf then is obviously incalculable. I should at this point note that a werewolf’s change comes at the full moon, much as a human woman’s “cycle” is affected by the moon.
Therefore, a werewolf must be categorized as female, especially Michael Landon’s portrayal from I Was a Teenage Werewolf, Jack Nicholson’s character from Wolf, and Jerry Seinfeld from the Seinfeld episode that parodied Wolf.
Conclusion: With a wildly changing geometry and subservience to the moon, werewolves cannot be trusted.
Small, blue and mischievous, these creatures could largely be considered to be male as their population is overwhelmingly male. However, these creatures are fictional, created by the Belgian artist Peyo in 1958, leading to cartoon series in the ‘60s and the ’80’s, and at least two ill-advised recent box-office features.
Conclusion: Smurfs are fictional characters. If one appears to you, do not trust them, even and especially “Smurfette”.
Will o’ the Wisps
Spherical. See “Spheres” above.
Angels may appear as either male or female.
Conclusion: Ask to shake the angel’s hand. If they are a perfected man, they will shake your hand and deliver their message. If they are a spiritual being not yet resurrected, they will inform you of such, and deliver their message. If they are a being of darkness posing as a being of light, they will try to trick you, but you will not feel their hand in the handshake. Do not trust any being announcing themselves as angels.
The Necronomicon
The Book of the Names of the Dead.
Its geometry confounds me.
Phallic quills using blood of either gender to penetrate the feminine page, bound in the skin of humans of indeterminate gender. There are those who say the act of writing is an aggressive, penetrative act in any form, yet when the Necronomicon is opened and the correct words are said, demons can erupt from this “womb”.
Conclusion: Best not to trust the Necronomicon, nor those who dwell within.
Those We Do Not Speak Of
To reiterate, it is ludicrous to trust a shape-shifter, especially one whose name we dare not speak. Its geometry cannot be charted, nor can its evil.
Conclusion: At no point should you trust a Skinwalker, nor say its name, nor try to chart its geometry or its evil. Skinwalkers are bad news, whether you talk about them too much, or even think about them. Avoid Those We Do Not Speak Of (Skinwalkers) at all costs.
Thank you for reading this article. For a quick primer on geometry, check out the tomes “A Kids Kompendium of Shapes”, “Gargle-Smell- The Ongoing Menace of The Smurfs”, and “Dan Brown’s Novels for Dummies, by a Dummy, Authored by Dan Brown”. All are available on the Word Brawls shop page, and Word Brawls on Only Fans.
Guest author, Hugo Z Hackenbush III is the host of popular investigative podcast, Word Brawls. He is the author of over 100 self-published books, and has personally sold the Brooklyn Bridge nine times.
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