Social Emotional Topics for 2021 Collective Folk Fiction Writing Competition with Cash Prize

–Supportive of classmates
–Is a positive role model
–Respects others’ property
–Works and plays cooperatively with peers
–Articulates needs and wants in polite manner
–Accepts new challenges
–Accepts being corrected
–Follows school and classroom rules
–Speaks in appropriate voice in a given situation
–Interacts appropriately with children of different ages during buddy programs and on playground
–Understands back-and-forth, give-and-take rules of conversation
–Forms friendships
–Shows empathy
–Transitions easily
–Understands and respects rules of games
–Distinguishes between fantasy and reality
–Respects personal space of others
–Expresses emotions in an appropriate way
–Follows 3-5 step oral directions
–Follows written directions
–Asks for help when needed
–Completes task within a given time frame
–Has age-appropriate attention span
–Listens without interrupting
–Participates in classroom discussions
–Does his/her best work
–Organizes material necessary for class work
–Takes responsibility for classroom chores
–Takes care of his/her belongings
–Understands consequences for breaking rules
–Works independently and in small or large groups
–Accepts constructive criticism
–Organizes material necessary for class work and homework

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1 Response

  1. September 14, 2021

    […] goal is to have the science lesson, the social-emotional lesson, and the character conflict all tie together. We recommend choosing a science lesson topic, and […]

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