Stakeholder Management, How to Project Manage a Hollywood Film!

It’s widely considered that film and movies began in Paris on December 28, 1895, when the Lumière brothers exhibited ten of their short films.  Since then, a predominantly project-based methodology has built up around the production of films and television shows, which took off mainly after 1948.  Today, film and television production methodology covers a wide range of techniques based on genre, format, and budget.  This lecture (presented in 10 parts) will distill the project management details of a film/TV project into this presentation.  We’ll cover how the PMBOK’s 10 knowledge areas are met in the management of a film/TV project, and also discuss paperwork and forms used for communication, and other facets.

Project Stakeholder Management

The stakeholders must be happy, as the project has been created for their needs. Therefore, they must be actively managed like any other part of the project. To start one must identify the stakeholders through stakeholder analysis. It’s not always easy, but it’s a crucial part of starting any project, so find out who they are and what concerns they have.

Now plan stakeholder management, which means listing each stakeholder and prioritizing what their concerns are and how they might impact the project. This will lead to managing stakeholders’ expectations to make sure their needs are met and that you’re in communication with them.

Throughout the project, control stakeholder engagement. Do this by determining if the stakeholders’ needs are being addressed. If not, figure out what changes need to be made to either satisfy those needs or adjust the expectations.

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