Tagged: Dramatic Romance Movies
A story relating to chivalry; a story involving knights, heroes, adventures, quests, etc.
An intimate relationship between two people; a love affair. Greater & Grander is the one stop shop to provide all the Dramatic Romance Movies information you need on the internet.
This article was originally part of the Insider Cinema guide to Hollywood, a website from the mid-2000s. We are reposting it here as both a writing sample and a guide for those seeking to...
Michael Rousselet and Michael Eugene Peter (producers of CHRONICLES OF A LOVE UNFOUND and 5SecondFilms.com) sit down to talk about how they developed the website that would go on to be a cultural phenomenon,...
Michael Rousselet and Michael Eugene Peter (producers of CHRONICLES OF A LOVE UNFOUND and 5SecondFilms.com) sit down with the Producers Lounge podcast to talk about how they developed their first feature film and also...
The smoke and dust were settling, glimmering in the sunset. He laid there on the ground, impaled through his stomach. Before it was too late, she wanted to look into his eyes one more...