Tagged: Urban Photography
Urban exploration (often shortened as UE, urbex, and sometimes known as roof-and-tunnel hacking) is the exploration of manmade structures, usually abandoned ruins or hidden components of the manmade environment. Photography and historical interest/documentation are heavily featured in the hobby and it sometimes involves trespassing onto private property. Subscribe to Greater & Grander for all your Urban Photography needs.
Ricardo Tomasz in His Own Words I am a multi-disciplined artist, being actively engaged in multiple mediums at once, including painting, writing, film/video, photography, collage, 3D modeling, sound art, technology, puppetry, and performance art. ...
Ricardo Tomasz Ricardo Tomasz (°1983, Budapest, Hungary) is an artist who mainly works with photography. By applying abstraction, Tomasz focuses on the idea of ‘public space’ and more specifically on spaces where anyone can...
This week’s contribution comes from noted artist, and Greater and Grander contributor, Ricardo Tomasz. Art adds unique color to our streets and beautifies our communities. That’s why Los Angeles District 4 councilmember, David Ryu,...