The Dancing Rabbit; Heather Meza
Heather Meza is a versatile comedienne, actress, and a member of Second City’s House Co Team, Hobgoblin. She is trained in improv, musical theatre, Shakespeare, and Stanislavski, and has spent the last several years acting in various projects across Los Angeles, big and small.
Why did you get into the entertainment industry?
I have always loved to perform. I have been performing ever since I was a kid. I would put my favorite Disney VHS in and act out the entire movie; props, costumes, and singing all the songs. It is what makes me the happiest, ever since I was a kid.
I don’t think I really made a definite decision. I just continued doing what I thought was fun and challenging. And here I am today!
What was the first project you worked on?
An early project I worked on that I absolutely loved, is a short musical horror film Slashed! Directed by Wade Shields at the University of Arizona Film School. It was so much fun to work on. It was campy, scary, and the music was great!
What are your future goals?
I would love to perform in a comedy TV show with a lot of collaboration and improvisation between the actors and writers.
What advice would you give to a prospective student who is applying to acting school?
Get your degree! Don’t spend a ton of money on an acting school. Go to a school that interests you intelligently and environmentally. You will get hired as an actor based on who you are and what you have learned in your life, not what acting school you went to.
What difficulties did you encounter in Hollywood?
It is so competitive. You will submit for 100 projects and get an audition for 5. And then you may not even book it. There have been some challenging times and a lot of self-doubt. But that is how this business is. You can’t put your self worth in what you do or do not book.
What are you currently working on, and how did you arrive here?
I am currently working on a Mockumentary called Civil War 2 directed by the Greater & Grander team. I worked on a previous project called Dark and Darker with G&G, and I had so much fun doing that project. When he reached out and asked if I wanted to be a part of Civil War 2, of course I said I would!
I am also performing stand-up comedy and improv around the Los Angeles area.
What are the biggest mistakes a person can make when they first start working in the industry?
Don’t compare yourself to anyone. No one is you, and you are no one else. I hope that makes sense!
Did someone ever try to take advantage of your inexperience in Hollywood?
Of course. Predatory people are all around and unfortunately, they prey on inexperienced artists. I just listen to my gut, and I don’t give up my strengths or my emotions to someone who I don’t think deserves it. We, as artists, are always looking for the next job, the next contact, the next opportunity. We feel as though we may need to compromise ourselves to get that next step.
But we are still human.
We should get the same respect, appreciation and PAY as any other contributing member of society.
Did you ever pay for a program that promised big results to help further your career, but it never delivered?
Yes of course. But, I never think of those as a waste of time. It is still a learning experience.
Did you ever come across a project or a person that looked promising, and then the whole thing blew up in your face?
Yes I have with a webseries.
Were there any telling signs?
Yes there definitely were some telling signs. The director did not give me direct answers when I asked questions and talked about his morality. He would say some inappropriate things as well, but end with a vague apology.
What did you do?
I said thank you and I would be in touch with him if I was still interested. I always will ask for clarification, and if I don’t like that answer I won’t do it.
What’s been the highest point of your career so far?
I don’t think this is really a high point of my “career” but it’s a high point of my life. I met Adam Sandler and made him laugh. I made one of my top comedic idols laugh. That was pretty amazing.
What motto do you try to live your life by?
Treat others like you want to be treated. And then treat yourself like your loved ones treat you.
Where’s your favorite place in Los Angeles?
The Culver Steps. I love sitting with my coffee and look at all the dogs walking.
Where can people find you and your work online?
You can find me on TikTok at heather_meza, on YouTube at Heather Meza, at the Pack Theater in Hollywood performing improv and stand up.