Why #RecallGavinNewsom Would be a Disaster for California
For those unaware, there is an election in progress, to recall Democratic Governor of California, Gavin Newsom.
This is another sham attempt by the Republican party to hijack local government, in a state where they have the third most registered voters, behind “No Party Preference”.
They attempted to recall Jerry Brown, and failed. They succeeded in recalling Governor Gray Davis, by conspiring with Enron, who is considered to have manufactured the California brown outs of 2001, and met with Arnold Schwarzennegar before Gray Davis’ recall.
The last Republican Governor California resulted in:
- A massive record-setting debt for the state that bordered on bankruptcy.
- Record deficits that could not have been paid back in even the best economic times.
- Striking a backroom deal to suspend constitutionally guaranteed K–12 school funding, depriving our children of their right to an education.
- Suspending the promise, for the first time in forty years, that every eligible California high school graduate would have a place at a UC or CSU, depriving millennials of a better future.
- His ballot initiatives overwhelmingly failed.
- His failures were so great that he couldn’t even get the support of his own party, and blamed the California GOP for “dying at the box office.”
And that Governor was also a celebrity-athlete Republican with no government experience, and the veneer of progressive identity, similar to Caitlyn Jenner and Larry Elder.
One Greater & Grander reader wrote in to us, with her concerns:
PLEASE be sure to vote in the California Recall Election! As you may have heard, the polls are running neck and neck, so your vote is crucial!
If for some reason you don’t care for Governor Newsom and are even thinking of voting to recall him, please just remember: if there should be a U.S. Senate seat opening (like if Feinstein leaves her job), then the governor appoints the replacement. We CANNOT risk losing our Senate majority!!! Shudder…
So, we at Greater and Grander encourage you to follow these simple Instructions:
Vote NO on the first question!
There is no need to vote on the second question of who would replace Newsom (though you can). Then, if you are using the vote-by-mail ballot that we will all receive, you can immediately put it in the US mail system or a Ballot Drop Box.
Last: The absolute strongest way that you can further help this campaign is to communicate to ALL the Democratic voters you know. Your friends will listen to you way before a stranger. Please feel free to forward this article on!
The safety of our communities, and our children are at stake.
When it comes to Republican Governors, JUST SAY NO!
1 Response
[…] The last time a Republican was elected via a recall, it resulted in a massive record-setting debt for the state that bordered on bankruptcy; record […]